a film  by Gustav Deutsch

Illusionary painting and colour concept by Hanna Schimek

SHIRLEY - VISIONS OF REALITY will bring to life fifteen paintings by the American painter Edward Hopper (1882 – 1967). Similar to tableaus vivants—a popular theatrical entertainment of the 19th century—the people depicted in Hopper’s paintings will become the protagonists in mini-dramas. The “snapshots” of the paintings will each be extended to a period of six minutes either before or after the events shown. The film will show the episodes - and Hopper’s reconstructed painting - chronologically over the course of one fictive day and night (excerpts: Gustav Deutsch) 


Feature film I 2012 I Austria (tbc) I 90 min I Production: KGB Kranzelbinder Gabriele Production  

World Premiere: Berlinale 2013 - International Forum of New Cinema

Nothing that is visible can be grasped by the sight alone, exept light and colors. Alhazen

Nichts von dem, was sichtbar ist, kann vom Gesichtssinn allein erfaßt werden außer Licht und Farben. Alhazen
